How to Manage Business Central Notifications

The average smart phone user gets over 46 push notifications a day and the last thing we need are more notifications from software protruding on what little free time we have. Thankfully, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central gives us the option of turning notifications on or off and the ability to control when they are sent.
What is a Notification and Why Do They Matter?
Merriam-Webster defines notification as the act or instance of notifying. In terms of Business Central a notification is a digital message or a digital symbol that appears to remind us to pay attention to something. These notifications are virtually the same as the ones you receive in your email, on your phone, or anywhere else. They are digital precautions designed to help us remember to do something.
How to Turn Notifications on or off in Business Central
By default all notifications within Business Central are turned on. These can easily be turned off or the conditions of the notification can be updated. Here's how to edit Business Central's notifications:
1. Select the Settings icon located at the top right within Business Central and then select My Settings.

2. From My Settings select the Change when I receive notifications link.

3. Turn on or off notifications by selecting the Enabled box.

If we are not sure what a notification does we can select the hyperlink and Business Central will give us a description. For instance, if we select Item availability is low Business Central tells us that this notification is used to show a warning when someone creates a sales order or sales invoice for an item that is out of stock.

4. Select the Conditions field to specify conditions that trigger a notification.

We can now set the conditions we'd like for our notification.
That's it. We should now all be able to quickly and easily setup notifications within Business Central to help us remember certain things to make less mistakes and ultimately become more productive.