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Teams Phone (VoIP) for Business

A better phone system that helps your people work smarter and saves you money

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Cut your traditional phone bill by up to 50%

Teams Phone (VoIP) for Business From Solution Systems

Partner with Solution Systems to deploy a modern Teams Phone system at your business

Save Money

Legacy solutions are outdated and expensive.  We help deploy a modern VoIP solution that can cut traditional phone bills by half.

Microsoft Integration

Teams Phone works seamlessly with the Microsoft Office, Outlook, and Teams software your team already uses - helping you drive efficiency

Secure and Modern

Increase productivity with a secure calling solution built for today's workforce, all managed by us so you can focus on scaling your business.


Start a conversation with one of our experts today.

How We Help You

  • Analyze your telecommunications spend and usage

  • Compare your service against alternative solution

  • Recommend the Teams Phone plan that best meets your needs

  • Design the implementation plan that we'll deliver to


  • Kick off the project with your internal stakeholders

  • Provide transparency and regular updates on our delivery schedule

  • Coordinate rollout to your users, while migrating off legacy plan

  • Train your users on how to leverage ongoing support 


  • Manage your phone system and infrastructure

  • Provide ongoing monitoring and support 

  • Streamline plan administration and user management 

  • Handle routing, call trees, and auto attendant functionality


Teams Phone is Trusted by Leading Organizations 


Learn how we grow your business by helping you focus on what matters

What's Included with Teams Phone by Solution Systems?

Implementation / Rollout

User Management

Migration Services

Hardware Support

Monitoring / Support

Routing & Extension

Call Trees / Auto Attendant

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