DIY: Customize Documents in Business Central
Updated: Aug 16, 2021
Have you ever spoken with someone in your organization or a different organization that has said, “Boy, I really wish we were not able to customize documents?” If I had to guess I’d say most likely not. Many roles if not every role in your organization generates some type of a document and customizing this document to their specific needs would definitely be beneficial.

Why Customize Documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?
Why customize documents? Why not? A document tailored specifically to who is receiving it makes that person more likely to interact. A Sales Rep may produce an Order Confirmation, a Warehouse Employee puts a deliver note in a box, and the Accountant produces and invoice for the customer. All of these people have different needs so having one generic document for all of them can be bad for business.
What to Use to Customize Documents in Business Central?
By using an App such as Document Customizer you can customize the standard document in Dynamics 365 Business Central to include really anything that you want. For example, a Sales Rep wants master data on the item lines and a return policy on the invoice, and the Accountant wants payment terms in the footer of the invoice and payment info of a specific customer. This can all be done by YOU with document customizer. Let me say that again, this can all be done by you with document customizer.
Here’s a short segment from our podcast A Shot of Business Central and A Beer where we talk about the Document Customizer app.
Where can you go to find Apps and Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? To find Apps and Extensions for Business Central visit Microsoft AppSource at
How to Install the Document Customizer app in Business Central
Step 1: In Notifications select Setup your first document, enter email address, choose logo, and which document you’d like to customize.

Step 2: Preview your current document

Step 3: Do we want to add or remove a field in the header? Let’s remove Customer No. (Here’s a video showing how to add or remove fields in the header)
First thing we need to do is click edit

Next we want to delete the line that shows the Customer No. and click close.

Now let’s preview the document to make sure our changes worked

It worked!
Step 4: Now you have the option to edit a caption

Step 5: You can remove or add a field column in the lines

Step 6: You can display or remove the VAT specification

Step 7: You can customize the footer

Step 8: Now you can activate the report if you want to replace the document which is currently used.

All-in-all it was a pretty easy setup and process to customizing documents. What I did was as basic a customization as you could do but I’m pretty confident that adding more customizations wouldn’t be too difficult.
Document Customizer Pricing

Make sure to pay attention to the fact that pricing is based upon the number of named users in your Business Central environment.