A Shot of Business Central and A Beer | Episode 33
Updated: Mar 8, 2024
A Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central podcast | Episode 33 A Shot of Business Central and A Beer
Welcome everyone to A Shot of Business Central and A Beer’s holiday special! Or...we suppose we should say welcome everyone to A Shot of Business Central and a Glass of Wine’s holiday special. More on that later. On today’s show Ken and Michael are bringing you the latest Business Central news, chatting about whether or not Business Central works with big businesses, and welcoming back the exact same guest we had in the office for our first, and technically, our last holiday episode two years ago. We say technically because the consensus of everyone in the entire world is that we’re skipping 2020 and I agree. So, without further ado, from Triangle Package Machinery Company, your single-source for packaging equipment, welcome Mr. Jim Gio to the show! How are you Jim and thanks for joining us again!
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A Shot of Business Central and A Beer Podcast Show Notes
This Episodes Alcohol Choice
Business Central News
Random News
Did you know that you can install the Business Central app on Windows and Mac directly from the browser? Just click on the "Install app" option in the address bar when you're running your #MSDyn365BC. You can do it for all your devices!
Now over 2,000 BC Apps on AppSource!
January’s update will include a new email address lookup feature.
In Preview, Business Central now has documentation on AL error and warnings, and links directly to that from AL compiler messages.
You can find all Business Central and Power BI integration documentation in one place: aka.ms/bcpbi
New Telemetry Items coming in the 2022 Release Wave 1 Update
Database deadlocks
Database wait statistics
Verbose telemetry enabled
General error dialogs
Permission error dialogs
Use of read scale-out in web service calls
Big Business and Business Central
Since Business Central’s release there have been questions regarding whether or not Business Central can work for Big Businesses. I hate this question because what are even the rules for this? I’m sure there’s something written on a digital stone somewhere but everybody’s answer is different. Ken, what’s a large business to you? Jim, what about you? I think people make their own subjective call if they are a small or a medium sized business and I think the people at Microsoft may have this mentality as well.
Read the article here: https://www.solsyst.com/post/can-a-big-business-use-business-central-erp
With this being our last episode for the year we want to thank everyone for continuing to listen to us and support us. Over the past year our followers have increased by 43%, streams of our podcast have increased 21% and we can be found in 7 more countries than last year bringing our total to 70 countries.
Well, you’ve reached the end of another episode of A Shot of Business Central and A Beer podcast. Connect with us at www.solsyst.com and on all major social media channels. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you always know when the latest episode is available.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! See you next month!