5 Predictions about Microsoft Cloud Solutions in 2021
Updated: Jan 24
2020 forced organizations to use the cloud and enable remote workforces that in years past were thought impossible. This left organizations panicking and scrambling as they tried to conform to the new digital reality. The great thing is, a good amount of these organizations were able to utilize Microsoft cloud software to adapt quickly, sustain their business, and realize that this work style might even be beneficial to the company. So if you thought 2020 was the year of the cloud, think again. 2021 is going to see organizations adopt more Microsoft technology and try to perfect it for their business models. Here's my 5 predictions about Microsoft Cloud Solutions in 2021.

Trend # 1 We'll see more Microsoft apps able to integrate and communicate with each another.
On February 4, 2014, Satya Nadella became the third person to be named CEO of Microsoft and shortly thereafter he began evolving the already established powerhouse organization for the future. According to ZDNet, Nadella made it official that Microsoft is no longer using the "devices and services company" mantra that former CEO Ballmer used to reposition the company in his last year plus as CEO. Going forward, Microsoft is about productivity and platforms, Nadella said.
Microsoft software already allows you to be very productive so how do you become more productive? By using the intelligent edge to allow apps to connect and integrate with each other, which ultimately results in users spending less time logging in and out of multiple apps. Some years back I heard a good amount of talk from Microsoft about something they were referring to as "Microsoft One." At the time I was confused because cloud software hadn't become mainstream and my focus was still geared toward on-premise software, but looking back I absolutely understand it now. Microsoft One in my opinion, meant that all software apps have the ability to communicate with each other and therefore are connected as one. I suppose the only question I still have with regards to Microsoft One is whether or not there will only be one operating platform in the future?
Trend # 2 Security will be a top concern.
With more and more people using the cloud more and more cybercriminals are going to try and steal their information. Microsoft knows and understands this. They have continually improved upon their security features and benefits with each software platform and I do not see this trend stopping anytime soon. In fact, according to Microsoft, Microsoft invests over $1 billion annually on security.
Trend # 3 Extra storage space will be more readily available.
Yes, extra storage space is available now for most of Microsoft's cloud software but how many users really know how much space they have available, let alone how to purchase more storage space? I think Microsoft is going to make a push to inform you about your database storage capacity, when it's nearing it's limits, and how to easily purchase more storage. Yes, this means without having to go through a Microsoft partner.
Trend # 4 Analytics will become mainstream.
Smart software only gets smarter though the analyzation of analytics. For Microsoft to continue to evolve it's embedded Artificial Intelligence in apps it requires the use of analytics. I think we are going to start to see Power BI analytics in every Microsoft software app. An example of this could be that you'll one day be able to see how many spam emails you received, how many you opened, how much time you spent reading them, and who are the top senders of spam. This will allow Outlook to use it's Artificial Intelligence to either suggest or create smart rules that can effectively help block this content.
Trend # 5 Disaster Recovery services will diminish
Why would disaster recovery solutions diminish when more people are using the cloud than at any time before? Simple, Microsoft cloud does automatic backups of your information and has begun rolling out ways to restore your database back to a certain point. For example, in Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft's most popular ERP software, partners can restore any environment (sandbox and production) to a certain point in time up to 30 days in the past. User will opt to go this route than spend money on disaster recovery services.