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4 of my favorite Business Central 2020 Release Wave 1 features

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

Having a life-long love of productivity tools it's no surprise that 4 of my favorite Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 1 features are things that will make life just a little bit easier while increasing productivity. Did you see that? That's me jumping with joy!

Jumping for Joy

Really, one of the main goals of ERP software is to increase employees productivity but only the real good ones such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can accomplish this while simplifying processes. That's why these features grabbed my attention quicker than temperature fluctuations during Spring time in Chicago.

1. Better Utilization of Space on a Page

If you can see more on your screen you can ultimately do more. Business Central now has up to 15% more horizontal space and 5% more vertical space. How is this possible? Microsoft has introduced more compact page captions and reduced the amount of grey-space on the page.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central customer ledger entries
Before and After

2. Feature Management

I personally love trying out new features on almost anything. However, I know that not everyone likes having to take the time and learn how a new feature works and sometimes your job role doesn't require anything to change at a particular time. That's why I like how Microsoft was thinking ahead and added the ability to toggle new features on and off. Not only can you turn features on or off you can also try the feature in a sandbox environment and then enable in production when you're ready. No more being forced to learn new things.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central feature management page

3. Non-interactive Printing

I'll admit it, I was always baffled by how Business Central would not allow you to print directly to a printer. You had to download your document to a PDF and then print the PDF. Not the most terrible thing in the world but definitely decreased productivity. Anytime you can alleviate having to open up multiple computer software applications to get a job done, in my book, that's a good thing and that's what Microsoft has done. In Business Central you can now directly print any reports or documents to printers that have been configured on the new Printer Management page.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Printer Management

4. Print to Attachment

Not only can you print directly to a printer you can now print to an attachment. What does this mean? It means you save time by not having to print your document to a PDF, save it, and then upload it as an attachment to the Business Central page you want. You simply choose attach as PDF and it attaches within the Business Central Fact Box.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Sales Order Page

Do you want to see if Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a fit for your organization? Maybe you already have the software but need some support with it? Schedule a time of us to call you.

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