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JB Pritzker Spoof: 12 Questions

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

If you are located in Illinois you've most likely seen the below JB Pritzker "11 Questions" political ad.

In the spirit of "Microsoft ERP & Products" fun we decided to spoof this ad. Have a look below!

Audio Only:

YouTube Transcript:

Steven: Hey TD, We’re going to ask you a couple questions

Tom: Oh, ok.

Steven: What was the first thing you did this morning at work?

Tom: Well I logged into Dynamics 365 Business Central to do some ordering.

Steven: Favorite Business Central feature?

Tom: Power BI being embedded directly in Business Central

Steven: In the Cloud or on-premise?

Tom: Definitely the Cloud; I’m not a very technical person and don’t want to manage a server in house

Steven: Best Microsoft event you ever attended?

Steven: What’s your favorite Microsoft product?

Steven: Manufacturing Industry or Process Chemical Manufacturing Industry?

Steven: Would you rather win lifetime access to Office 365 or Dynamics 365?

Tom: Tough decision to make, but I’d say Office 365

Steven: Microsoft employee you’d most like to meet?

Steven: What’s the best piece of advice you can give a company looking for ERP?

Tom: Call Solution Systems

Steven: What’s it like working with Steven and Michael?

Tom: No comment

Steven: In one sentence, will Artificial Intelligence take over mankind?

Tom: Watch iRobot and then you tell me…

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