5 Things to Consider When Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Is it surprising that more than 70 percent of Microsoft Dynamics NAV users around the world are using an older version of NAV other than the most current? No, because Dynamics NAV is a very robust system that when implemented right and key users are trained correctly can provide years of benefit or companies without an upgrade. That being said, continuing to upgrade yearly provides new beneficial user features and avoids organizations such as yours having to spend a considerable amount of money when you decide to undertake that major upgrade (A major upgrade is usually necessary if there's been 3 Dynamics NAV releases since the version you purchased).
Other than your current version here's 4 other things to consider when Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV:
1. Customizations: Newer versions of Dynamics NAV may include the ability to do what you want right out of the box without having to customize the software as you did on your older version of NAV. Identify what customizations are needed and keep them and identify which customizations are not needed and get rid of them. This will save you money as it should reduce your partners overall implementation time.
2. Add-ons: Just as with customizations new versions of Dynamics NAV have more out-of-the-box capabilities than in the past and you may not need as many add-ons as you thought. After you figure out which Add-ons you still need contact the ISV provider and confirm that they are compatible with the latest version of NAV.
3. Reports: What type of customized reports are you using? Will you still need them? If not there's no need to bring them forward with the upgrade because this is usually the most challenging part during the upgrade.
4. Database Size: Over the years your database has probably grown exponentially. Do you still need all of that information?
How to Make Your Future Upgrade Easier Now
As time progresses upgrading to a newer version of Dynamics NAV is becoming easier but there are still some things you can do on a regular basis to make your future upgrade even simpler. First, make sure you and your Microsoft Partner have open communication regarding your NAV system. Finally, stay current on the roll-up updates suggested by your Microsoft Partner.
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