Merge Customers and Vendors in Business Central

It's common for any functioning business to have duplicate customer and vendor records within their ERP software. Once discovered, your ERP software hopefully has a simple procedure to merge these records like Business Central does. Otherwise, merging these records will include a lot of manual entry. In this short article we're going to tell you how to merge customers and vendors in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, and in the video below we're going to show you.
Let's assume someone in your organization accidentally created a second customer record for a current customer. These two customer records have different balances but are almost identical in most other ways. Therefore, performing a merge of the two records makes sense.
Merge Customers and Vendors in Business Central
Merging customers and vendors in Business Central is relatively easy and straight forward. From the customer card that you want to merge into select Actions, Function, and Merge With. Business Central will open a window and ask you which record you'd like to merge with. Simply select the card that you want to merge with and Business Central opens up a section that allows you to choose the fields you want to keep or override.
Choose the fields you want to merge, scroll down, and look at the Related Tables section to make sure there are no conflicts identified. If there are conflicts identified you'll want to fix these before you perform the merge.
Once you are sure everything is how you want it click merge. Keep in mind that there is not an undo merge function. Once you merge the records there's no going back.
Now that we've told you how to merge customers and vendors in Business Central it's time we show you. The below video is only 5 minutes.