Creating a New Item in Dynamics 365 for Financials - Project Madeira
0:00 yeah
0:02 in this session we're going to walk through the process of creating a new
0:15 item from my home menu I'm going to click on items
0:21 the the presentation of my item list can be changed by clicking on the buttons on
0:27 the top
0:28 I can look at a list of items large pictures or small pictures in this case
0:34 we're going to add a new item so i'm going to click on the new button on the
0:40 top of the item list
0:41 the system is automatically assigned 1002 as my new item number for
0:48 additional information on how the system assigns numbers to new records in the
0:54 system
0:54 please refer to our session on setting up and managing number series this case
1:01 i'm going to create a new item so i'm going to create a 19 inch ultra scan
1:07 monitor
1:09 i'm also going to define the type of the item if it isn't it's either an
1:16 inventory item or service
1:20 obviously if I want to keep track of quantity on hand I'll set this up as an
1:25 inventory item
1:27 next is the base unit of measure this is the primary unit of measure that I want
1:33 to track my my costs and prices and quantities inside the system so i'll
1:39 select pieces and lastly i can select if I whether or not i want to receive a
1:45 stock out warning when entering orders or quotes for this new item if i have a
1:51 list price i can enter the list price for this item right here
1:58 and if i have an expected cost for this item
2:03 I can enter that here there are several additional fields here including general
2:12 product posting group inventory posting group and some additional replenishment
2:15 fields in order to populate those fields quickly and accurately i'm going to
2:21 select under my actions ribbon