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Create A Supply Chain That Keeps Customers Coming Back For More

Strong relationships with your suppliers and vendors can lead to a finely tuned supply chain, a goal for nearly every successful manufacturer and distributor. Make these relationships even stronger with improved communication and collaboration, and together you can take advantage of new opportunities as well as avoid potential disruptions.

In order to strengthen relationships with suppliers to create these synergies, you need swift access to reliable data provided by the right supply chain management tools. That’s where a business solution from Microsoft comes in. Connect the many moving parts of your organization. From your front desk to your loading dock, Microsoft Dynamics ERP can provide your people with role-relevant information needed to manage financials, inventory, distribution, and your overall business operations.

View the infographic “Five Ways to Make Your Supply Chain More Dynamic” to learn how to turn years of historical data into information you can easily analyze to spot trends, identify new sales opportunities, and know what your customer wants before they do. With a business solution from Microsoft, you can be ready for changing regulatory requirements and customer demands. Increased visibility will make it easier to plan ahead, control production and inventory, and be ready to respond faster to customer needs.

Turn your supply chain into an in-stock, on time, everything is where it needs to be operation with a quick to implement, easy to use business solution from Microsoft. Take a test drive today and register for our live or on-demand webcasts to learn more about our accounting and supply chain management solutions for small and mid-sized businesses.

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