Creating a New Company in Project Madeira
Updated: Jul 28, 2021
You've been poking around the preview site of Project Madeira for a month or two now and you are ready to create your own company but you have no idea of where to start. If this sounds like you, keep reading.

Creating a New Company in Project Madeira - aka. Dynamics 365 for Financials
Step 1: Click the settings gears in the upper right portion of your screen
Step 2: Where it shows Company and CRONUS US click the AssistEdit right arrow and select My Company.

Step 3: Press Ok
Step 4: Press Ok when prompted to sign out and sign back in for effects to take change.
Step 5: Sign out and Sign back in. You should see the My Company dashboard.

Step 6: Click the Assisted Setup and Tasks icon located in the Ribbon.

Step 7: Click on Set Up Company or whichever field shows Not Completed and begin following the on screen guides to enter your information.

And that's all that there is to it! If you have any question or would like to know more please either leave a comment below or Contact us.