Michael Intravartolo

Feb 15, 2018

Customer Spotlight: Triangle Package Machinery | Triangle Reinvigorates Enviable Address

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

Article first appeared here: https://www.oemmagazine.org/triangle-reinvigorates-enviable-address

A major reinvestment in its people, processes, and technology gives this OEM a fresh lease on a city gem.

By Natalie Craig, Managing Editor, OEM Magazine

As successful manufacturing enterprises in Northeastern and Midwestern steel towns and metropoles have grown through and beyond the 20th century, many have undergone a sort of forced migration. Spatial limitations and a host of other factors have slowly marched them out of the city center and into fresh greenfield locations, sometimes in neighboring states, so production could expand.

But family-owned Triangle Package Machinery Company, founded in 1923 by then-copacker Louis Muskat, has long been a city stalwart. Now known for high end vf/f/s baggers among other machines, the company grew from co-packing origins into a full-fledged machine builder, with all of the spatial demands that status historically entailed. But it had been able to incrementally expand the footprint of its current Chicago facility, acquired in the 1950s, over time to accommodate growth and long-standing customer relationships without moving.

Read the rest here: https://www.oemmagazine.org/triangle-reinvigorates-enviable-address


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