Michael Intravartolo

Mar 9, 2015

Telltale Signs You’ve Outgrown QuickBooks: You’re Putting Off New Business Opportunities

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Part of nurturing a successful business is the ability to manage growth through a software such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. You will eventually add employees, suppliers and vendors, and a growing list of customers as your business matures. Steady growth and expanding operations into a new state, or even a new country, creates a new set of challenges that basic accounting software, simply can’t handle. If you are spending more time on redundant data entry, creating spreadsheets, and manually calculating varying sales taxes, then you are on a short road to data mishandling and mistakes.

Growing Pain #5: You’re Putting Off New Business Opportunities

QuickBooks can be limited in the comprehensive functionality growing businesses need to support multiple sales tax rates, multiple currencies, and the sophistication to deal with a global economy. QuickBooks can require extra data entry and the workarounds add time to complete your business processes. What should only take a few minutes or hours ends up taking days or longer. You know you’ve outgrown QuickBooks if you’re creating work-arounds to deal with business growth.

Adding new office locations, working with vendors in other states or countries, and transitioning to the global marketplace requires a scalable and robust business management system. A Microsoft business solution can be just what you need to expand your reach. With the right technology, you can identify new business opportunities and not be afraid to take the steps to capitalize on new business growth.

Travis Perkins, Director of IT at EMIT Technologies notes, “Microsoft Dynamics provides us with a working strategy that fits well with developing and maintaining critical business solutions. Now we can focus on scaling our operation and developing new product offerings to support our customers.”

You can count on a business solution from Microsoft to help you support and grow your business. See how in this short video , take a ‘test drive’ to see the product in action, or learn more about Microsoft’s cloud or on-premises solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. Join us next week when we explore the next growing pain: needing a trusted advisor to take your business to the next level.

This blog series addresses some of the common signs businesses like yours are outgrowing QuickBooks and how a business solution from Microsoft helps keep you on the path of growth. If you missed the previous postings, you can view them below.